CLEP Testing (College Level Examination Program)

The College offers the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Test for certain subjects. By taking the CLEP exam, you may earn college credits. This is an excellent way to get closer to your degree in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Before you purchase a ticket please review your program requirements with an advisor to be sure all earned CLEP credits will apply to your program.

You must buy your CLEP ticket directly on the CLEP website and then schedule your exam date by emailing

The CLEP at UCNJ is offered only to current UCNJ students and alumni.

CLEP Testing FAQ’s

How do I register for the CLEP exam?

  • Visit the CLEP website at You will have to create an account if you do not already have one. If you do not remember your login information, you will need to re-set your account or contact CollegeBoard at 1-800-257-9558.
  • Choose the exam you would like to take
  • Do NOT select a test center
  • Choose the College you want your official CLEP scores sent
  • Pay fee to CollegeBoard ($93.00)
  • Print your registration ticket
  • Email to schedule a test date

If you are having problems accessing your CollegeBoard account or buying your ticket, please contact CollegeBoard at 1-800-257-9558.

What do I bring to the test?
You must bring:

  • A current, government issued ID (such as a driver’s license or passport; not a school ID)
  • Your printed registration ticket. Please have your ticket printed out prior to arriving for the exam.

Please be on time! If you arrive late, you will not be permitted to take the exam and you will have to reschedule.

What exams may I take?
The College currently offers credits for the following CLEP exams. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are taking the correct CLEP exam needed for your program of study.

UCNJ will not accept CLEP credits for Biology, Chemistry, or Natural Sciences.

CLEP Exam UCC Course Equivalent Score UCC Credits Earned
Financial Accounting ACC 103 50 3
Information Systems CST 100 or CST 101 50 3
Introductory Business Law BUS 201 50 3
Principles of Management BUS 105 50 3
Principles of Marketing BUS 208 50 3
American Literature ENG 207 50 3
Analyzing/Interpreting Literature ENG 209 50 3
College Composition ENG 101 50 3
English Literature ENG 216 50 3
American Government GOV 201 50 3
History of US I: Early Colonization to 1877 HIS 201 50 3
History of US II: 1865 to Present HIS 202 50 3
Human Growth and Development PSY 204 50 3
Introduction to Educational Psychology EDU 205 50 3
Introductory Psychology PSY 101 50 3
Introductory Sociology SOC 101 50 3
Principles of Macroeconomics ECO 201 50 3
Principles of Microeconomics ECO 202 50 3
Social Sciences and History GEN-elective 50 3
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 HIS 101 50 3
Western Civilization II: 1648 to Present HIS 102 50 3
College Algebra MAT 119 50 4
College Mathematics MAT 113 or 117 50 3
Precalculus MAT 143 50 4
Spanish SPA 101/102 50 6
Spanish SPA 101/102/111/112 63 12
French FRE 101/102 50 6
French FRE 101/102/111/112 59 12
German GER 101/102 50 6
German GER 101/102/111/112 60 12

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